Posted by: captaincolon | September 11, 2008

Things You Should Know About Colon Hydrotherapy

Colonics, otherwise known as colonic irrigation or colon hydrotherapy is an efficient way of cleansing the bowel. The bowel is responsible for harvesting nutrients and water from the food we eat. Consequently, it is also the organ responsible for releasing the by-products of everything we ingest. Unfortunately, due to healthy lifestyle, diet, and environment, fragments of these toxin producing by-products remain in the colon and become breeding grounds for bacteria which can cause several physical, emotional, and even mental illnesses.

By thoroughly cleansing the colon, it is relieved of these toxic wastes, rejuvenating the mind and the body. Furthermore, the unburdening of the colon can result to weightloss. Believe it or not, the hardened feces in your colon could weigh from 5 up to 25 pounds.

Colon hydrotherapy is safe for people of all ages. However, people with certain medical conditions such as hemorrhoids, Crohn’s disease, diverticulitis, ulcerative colitis, bowel tumors are advised not to go through this intensive cleansing procedure. Also, colonics are not advisable to people who recently had bowel surgery.

The procedure starts with pumping water into the colon using a low pressure colonic machine. The water goes through a hose attached to a tube, which is inserted to the rectum. Then, after a few minutes, the loosened fecal matter in the colon is sucked out by the colonic machine through a second tube. The cleanser can be purely of sterilized water, or mixed with certain cleansing herbs. The therapist may apply reflexology techniques on the abdomen to assist the muscles in the colon in moving the wastes. The entire treatment could take up to 30 to 50 minutes long.

Nowadays, clinics and spas that offer colonics are found almost anywhere- from Essen, Germany to Maui, Hawaii. However, it is important that one chooses a clinic or spa with diligent therapists as well as hygienic facilities to ensure safety.

Colon Hydrotherapy is not exactly a quick fix for years of health troubles, but it is a good way to jump start to a healthier living. Additionally, the treatment is a good preventive measure for severe illnesses including colon cancer and candida.

Come Visit Captain Colon’s Hydrotherapy fasting Clinic in Maui, Hawaii.We use a special mineral element sea water formulathat creates miraculous results with clients. From clearer skin, to losing a pound a day, to healing emotional traumas people come visit us from all over the world and order from our online store.

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